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[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 08
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 08
2024.03.08Don't Make Me Think! Chapter 8. “The Farmer and the Cowman Should Be Friends” WHY MOST ARGUMENTS ABOUT USABILITY ARE A WASTE OF TIME, AND HOW TO AVOID THEM One man likes to push a plough The other likes to chase a cow But that’s no reason why they can’t be friends! —OKLAHOMA!, OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II Left to their own devices, Web teams aren’t notoriously successful at making decisions about usabil..
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 07
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 07
2024.03.08Don't Make Me Think! Chapter 7. The Big Bang Theory of Web Design THE IMPORTANCE OF GETTING PEOPLE OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT Lucy, you got some ’splainin’ to do. —DESI ARNAZ, AS RICKY RICARDO Designer Desi Arnaz compares designing a Home page to the classic TV game show "Beat the Clock." Just when you think you've covered all the bases, there's always one more thing to consider. The Home page must c..
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 06
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 06
2024.03.07Don't Make Me Think! Chapter 6. Street signs and Breadcrumbs DESIGNING NAVIGATION And you may find yourself | in a beautiful house | with a beautiful wife And you may ask yourself | Well... | How did I get here?! —TALKING HEADS, “ONCE IN A LIFETIME” So how do you create the proverbial “clear, simple, and consistent” navigation? Basically, you use the store’s navigation systems (the signs and the..
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 05
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 05
2024.03.07Don't Make Me Think! Chapter 5. Omit words needless words Get rid of half the words on each page, then get rid of half of what’s left. —KRUG’S THIRD LAW OF USABILITY One of the most enduring and beneficial lessons I learned in college comes from E.B. White's "The Elements of Style," specifically his seventeenth rule: "Omit needless words." White emphasizes the importance of conciseness in writin..
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 04
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 04
2024.03.07Don't Make Me Think! Chapter 4. Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral? WHY USERS LIKE MINDLESS CHOICES It doesn’t matter how many times I have to click, as long as each click is a mindless, unambiguous choice. —KRUG’S SECOND LAW OF USABILITY Web designers and usability professionals have long debated how many clicks (or taps) users should be expected to make before getting frustrated. Some sites even en..
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 03
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 03
2024.03.07Don't Make Me Think! Chapter 3. Billboard Design 101 DESIGNING FOR SCANNING, NOT READING If you / Don’t know / Whose signs / These are You can’t have / Driven very far / Burma-Shave! —SEQUENCE OF ROADSIDE BILLBOARDS PROMOTING SHAVING CREAM, CIRCA 1935 사용자들이 빠르게 지나가는 현실을 마주하고 있을 때, 그들이 알아야 할 것과 당신이 그들에게 알리고 싶은 것을 최대한 보고 이해할 수 있도록 몇 가지 중요한 조치를 취할 수 있습니다: 관례를 활용하세요: 사용자들이 이미 익숙해진 디자인 패턴과 UI 요소를 사용하..
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 02
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 02
2024.03.07Don't Make Me Think! Chapter 2. How we really use the Web Why are things always in the last place you look for them? Because you stop looking when you find them! —CHILDREN’S RIDDLE Throughout my time observing how people use the Web, the most striking observation has been the discrepancy between how we think people use websites and how they actually do. When designing sites, we imagine that user..
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 01
[영어원서읽기] 사용자를 생각하게 하지마! - 01
2024.03.07Chapter 1. Don’t make me think! “Don’t make me think!” When creating a website, the main goal is to eliminate elements that cause unnecessary contemplation for the user. Such elements include unique or cunning names, marketing-induced names, company-specific names, and unfamiliar technical terms. For example, the name chosen for the job listings section can influence how easily a user finds a pl..
2024.03.07이 글은 보호되어 있기 때문에 이것을 보려면 암호가 필요합니다.
2024.02.04이 글은 보호되어 있기 때문에 이것을 보려면 암호가 필요합니다.
2024.02.03이 글은 보호되어 있기 때문에 이것을 보려면 암호가 필요합니다.
2024.02.02이 글은 보호되어 있기 때문에 이것을 보려면 암호가 필요합니다.